


EASY 是一种基于哺乳动物内源蛋白凝聚体的药物递送技术平台,专为高效、靶向递送核酸、蛋白质、小分子及其他治疗剂至细胞内而设计。EASY 由能够形成凝聚体的哺乳动物蛋白构建而成,可实现治疗分子的封装、保护和细胞内递送。与传统的递送方法不同,EASY 采用非病毒、非电穿孔、非脂质体的方法,确保最佳的生物相容性、高递送效率和最小的细胞毒性。通过利用内源性凝聚体形成蛋白的独特特性,EASY 能够实现跨多种细胞类型的精确细胞内递送,包括原代免疫细胞,而无需复杂的物理或化学处理。
除了在离体细胞工程中的应用外,EASY 还专为体内递送而设计,为全身或局部治疗递送提供了一种安全有效的方法。这一可扩展且多功能的平台为基因编辑、细胞治疗和靶向药物递送提供了变革性的解决方案,拓展了研究和临床应用的可能性。

Technology Introduction

How EASY Works

The EASY platform utilizes a mammalian coacervate-based approach to form compact, uniform nanoparticles with molecules. For instance, these nanoparticles encapsulate hundreds of thousands of nucleic acids, ensuring high cargo loading capacity and efficient delivery. The process follows five key steps:


Automatic Assembly

Mammalian proteins self-assemble with nucleic acids, forming stable nanoparticles.


Efficient Entry

The nanoparticles efficiently internalize into cells via endocytosis-free mechanism.


Rapid release

The encapsulated nucleic acids are quickly released into the cytoplasm, ensuring functional delivery.


High-efficiency expression

The released genetic material undergoes translation, enabling robust and sustained gene expression.


Natural degradation

Once the delivery process is complete, the conservates naturally degrade, leaving no artificial materials or toxicity.

How EASY Works Diagram

ProteanFect™ Series - The First Product Developed from EASY Platform


Make the primary cell transfection simple

ProteanFect enables the successful delivery of mRNA into a wide range of primary cells, including T cells, NK cells, stem cells, neurons, cardiomyocytes, and more


High nucleic acid payload capacity

ProteanFect-formed particles encapsulate hundreds of thousands of nucleic acid molecules, significantly exceeding the payload capacity of lipid nanoparticles


Superior cell compatibility and safety

ProteanFect achieves higher transfection efficiency and better cell viability in primary cells compared to electroporation, ensuring both safety and optimal performance


Easily Scalable for High-Throughput Applications

ProteanFect facilitates the successful transfection of multiple wells with various mRNA molecules, making it ideal for high-throughput applications in large-scale genetic studies

Explore ProteanFect